How to Chart your Cycle


Charting your cycle is so much more than noting down when your period is coming and when you’re ovulating.

It’s also about getting to know your body.

There’s so much hidden knowledge that can bring you so much awareness.

And with awareness, change can occur.

There’s so many benefits to this which include:

🌸Getting to know your body intimately

🌺Getting into flow with life (pun not intended 😆)

🌸Feeling more connected to yourself

🌺When it’s time to start trying for a baby, it can be so much easier

🌸Being able to detect if there’s something amiss

🌺Unlocking your creativity, productivity and so much more

All it takes is 30 seconds to 1 minute at the end of your day to quickly jot down how you feel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually that day.

Your bleed day is day 1 and count forward from there.

So grab your journal and a pen and jot down what cycle day you’re at and write a few words about how you’re feeling that day under each of your ‘bodies’.

Here’s an example:

Physically- tired, energetic, increase cervical mucus

Emotionally- happy, angry, tearful

Mentally- scattered, focused

Spiritually- connected, vivid dreams

After a few cycles of doing this, you’ll start to notice a pattern. The days you bleed you may feel introverted and tired. On the days you ovulate you may feel energetic, turned on and so on.

Becoming aware of how you feel everyday can help in every aspect of your life!

Not only help you but you can plan your life according to your cycle.

For example, if you have a presentation you’re working on, perhaps you can schedule the meeting for your pre-ovulation or ovulation phase when you’re full of enthusiasm, vitality and confidence, instead of during your menstrual bleed when you're introverted, anti-social and low in energy.

These small shifts in your life can bring so much more ease into your life and let you flow into your feminine energy, bringing you into more balance.

Happy charting!

Tell me in the comments below, do you chart your cycle?


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