Why mums get burnt out and how to prevent it.


When I think of the word mum, I think of a woman that wears 35949303 hats! Generally speaking, women/mums are the head of the household. We run shit! 

Cooking, cleaning, carer, organising, event planning, social engagement planning, driver, entertainer, paying bills, researching, doing laundry etc…

You get the drift, EXHAUSTING isn’t it?!

This is exactly how we burn ourselves out. We give so much to everyone else but so little to ourselves.

Some signs that you may be burnt out are:

  • Tired all the time and extreme fatigue

  • Snapping at the kids and partener

  • Forgetting things you don’t normally 

  • Head feels muddled

  • Can’t keep up with your normal routine

These are signs it’s time to do something about it!

Preventing burn out actually isn’t as time consuming as you may think BUT it does take these 2 steps:

  1. Consistency 

  2. Awareness.

Taking time each day to do whatever it is that YOU love to do is the key. 

Whether it’s getting to the gym on your own, taking a bath, reading a book, watching a t.v series, gardening, sleeping, meditating.. These practices done daily will prevent you from future burnout. 

10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, it doesn’t have to be a long time but the act of filling yourself up keeps your self-love tank fuller, preventing you from feeling completely depleted.

Becoming aware that you are starting to run on empty is another key part to this puzzle. Realising that you are feeling depleted and then making sure you ask for help.

This could be asking your partner for some time for yourself, asking a family member to look after the kids at a regular time/day each week.

If you don’t have any support with outside help, once the kids are asleep for the night and BEFORE you start cleaning, do your self-care then. 

Us mamas really do do it all and it’s time we recognise that and put ourselves as a priority just as much as we do our family.

We will be able to give so much more to our loved ones when we do leave space for ourselves and not only that but you’ll be setting an example to your kids that it’s ok to put yourself first.

I hope this inspires you to take time for yourself EVERYDAY.

If you need inspiration on some self-care practices, I’ve got a Self-Care Practice Guidebook as well as a self-care printable menu for you to download.

Click this link to download your copy.

With love, 

Tania x


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