The 5 Forms of Abundance

What is abundance?

A quote that I’ve heard a million times before entered my mind this week and I finally fully accepted it!

The quote is:

‘Abundance is getting what you need when you need it’- Bashar

We can get so focused on only one way our manifestations must come in instead there are so many ways we can get what we need.

Bashar says there are 5 forms of abundance and they are:


2. Trade

3. Gift giving

4. Synchronicity

5. Imagination

Therefore, don’t limit yourself to only one way. If you truly want something, you could use your imagination and creativity to create it, you could be open to graciously receive a gift, or you could use self awareness to watch for synchronicities.

This is how the universe is always there for us, using these tools like synchronicity, emotions, and imagination to communicate. Trust it!

How can you be open to letting alternative forms of abundance into your life?


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