The One Thing You Can Do To Find Happiness

Happiness can feel elusive to most of us as adults.

If you have the honour to be around children, you’ll notice they have no trouble with this. They radiate pure joy.

So what makes them different to us?

They follow their heart, their gut, their intuition, their passion!

This is the one daily and consistent action you need in your life to uplevel your happiness.

And this will look different for all of us.

The key here is to tune into yourself for every decision, no matter how small and even especially the small ones because then when the bigger decisions come along, you’ll have plenty of practice listening to your higher self.

Your higher self is your spiritual mind which sends messages to our physical mind which translates into feelings and sensations we associate with excitement, passion, happiness, joy, elation, trust, surrender, knowingness, and openness.

It’s all well and great for me to say this but I’m going to share with you now steps you can take on how to achieve this.

  1. Set reminders on your phone to check in with yourself

You can start with every hour or two depending on your schedule. Once the timer goes off, stop what you’re doing and just check in with yourself. Ask yourself how you are feeling. If you need to make adjustments to what you’re doing, do that! For example, if you’re busy working and feeling really stressed out, stop and take a break, go outside and take some deep breaths before getting back to it.

2. Get used to feeling your emotions (the good and the ugly)

Yes, even the feelings you don’t really want to feel. They say it takes 90 seconds for a feeling to leave so just stick with it. Oftentimes, we can get our major realisations from tuning into why these negative feelings are there. There’s always a reason and by finding out what that reason is and bringing awareness to it, we can start the process to heal the core limiting belief.

3. Start a journaling practice

I love journaling. I find it particularly helpful for someone like me who has 3 water signs in their birth chart (the water signs are our emotions and I have all 3, insert crazy face emoji)

If you’re called to write and love words, this may be a great way to express your feelings or if you’re unsure of how you feel, at least to express what’s on your mind which can be helpful.

4. Practice surrendering to your higher self

Ooo the hard part! It’s one thing to listen to our feelings but it’s another to actually do what they’re saying!

This is why I suggest starting with smaller decisions that may not make too much of an impact on your life such as deciding what you feel like for dinner.

What if I don’t know what I feel?

Sometimes if you’ve repressed emotions for most of your life, you may be numb and your feelings aren’t ready to open up to you.

If this is the case for you, I suggest simply start listening. It may take some time but if you’re consistent, your emotions will start to make sense again.

You can do this by either journaling about it daily or starting a mediation practice where you simply become aware of the sensations throughout your body.

Over time, you’ll be able to have a better understanding of your body and what it’s trying to tell you.

Your emotions are your compass. They point you in the direction you need to go.

Even though sometimes the path of joy and happiness seems to be random, practice trust and surrender to your higher self so you can begin to take action on the things that light you up.

Soon enough, you’ll be living the life of your dreams!


The Power of Anger: How Healthy Expression is a Sign of Alignment.


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