What is Reiki and How you Can Benefit From it


Reiki was originally founded by a Japanese doctor named Mikao Usuai. The name Reiki translates to ‘universal life-force energy’ and is a form of energy healing.

If you’re wondering what the hell that means, let me break it down for you.

We know that there are things that exist in our universe that we can’t see, for example a feeling or EMF’S (invisible energy used to power the internet and much more!). We know this to be real.

Now with energy and the human body, quantum physics has discovered that EVERYTHING is energy and what we perceive as matter is an illusion.

By ‘speeding up’ or ‘slowing down’ energy determines whether it’s perceived as matter or not.

Therefore, we can use Reiki energy to help bring the body into alignment.

Reiki energy, aka universal life-force energy is the highest form of energy.

That’s because universal energy is LOVE energy, GOD energy. There is no higher form of energy besides love. (in fact that’s all that exists, but that’s a story for another day!)

By channeling this love energy from the practitioner's hands and into the recipient's body (or energy field), this energy can then transmute the parts of us that are blocked and out of alignment.

During and after a Reiki session, you may experience feelings of:






Eased pain

Hot and cold sensations

Promote better sleep

And so many more.

Reiki is a complementary form of therapy and works well in conjunction with other natural healing modalities.

It’s non-invasive and uses light touch to transfer this loving energy onto the recipient without causing harm to either the practitioner or client.


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