DIY non-toxic laundry powder

Conventional laundry detergents are packed full of chemicals that are known to cause all sorts of heath issues.

Every time you wear your clothes washed in these toxic cleansers or sleep on your sheets that have been washed in the same toxic cleansers, your liver has to collect all those chemicals to save yo ass!

The toxins found in these laundry detergents can cause skin irritation, allergies, inflammation, cancer, and much more that we don’t realise because these haven't had proper testing to be deemed safe.

There is another way though and it’s so simple and great for your pocket!

I’ve used this recipe for years and it’s been great.

Non toxic, environmentally friendly and eco-friendly, it’s hard to see why you wouldn’t give it a go.

You will need:

2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax
2 cups coconut soap

Yep, that’s it! Super simple and takes next to no time to make.

Give me 🌎 for more diy recipes.


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