Benefits of a regular yoga practice and why you need to start today.

Reverse warrior pose.JPG

Yoga in sanskrit means ‘unite’. This is exactly what a yoga practice is all about. Uniting body, mind, breath and spirit.

My Journey with Yoga.

My yoga journey started when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I wasn’t the type to love exercise, in fact I hated it! But, seeing as I was pregnant, I wanted to give my body and mind a shot at a natural birth. I had read about the breathing techniques and gentle movement could help prepare me for labour.

I can safely say it did! But I hadn’t yet captured it’s true essence.

It wasn’t until my daughter was about 18 months old that I had a pull to go back to it and so I did.

A couple of months later, something shifted. I started to understand yoga as a spiritual practice. It was like something clicked.

Yoga brought me back to myself. I found stillness through movement. I found oneness. I understood that I am and always will be connected to everyone and everything in this universe.

From there, I started practicing almost daily and the love affair still continues 4 years later.

Here are some of the benefits I’ve experienced with a regular yoga practice and I want to share them with you:

Core strength-

I had very little core strength when I first started yoga, slowly and gently without the strain, I’ve built a strong foundation in which my back feels supported, which brings me to the next point.


By strengthening your core, you back becomes stronger and therefore you’re able to align much easier.


When your muscles are tight with tension, it can lead to many unwanted symptoms like headaches and sore shoulders. We store some of our emotions in our hips or shoulders, so by releasing them during our stretches we release the emotions too.

Relieves stress and anxiety-

When you’re feeling stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol in high amounts can cause destruction over time, leading to many health problems we struggle with today.

Once you start your yoga practice, you become present as well as moving your body in certain ways which will start to lower cortisol being produced and bring you back to balance.

Yoga glow-

My husband often says I glow after a yoga session! Yoga releases serotonin, your feel good hormones, making you happier :D

Improves your balance-

Keeping steady on your mat, means keeping grounded off your mat. Having focus when needed and staying grounded in those challenging times are great practices to have for when life throws a curveball.

Breathe easily-

When you're feeling tight in your chest, yoga helps to relieve tension helping you breathe fully.

Increases your self-worth-

By taking time for yourself everyday, you realise you are worthy of it and as a by product, your confidence goes up.

Increases awareness-

Because yoga is a mindfulness practice, when you regularly practice, you start to turn inwards more often. You start to use your intuition and by doing so, your life starts to take you on a path of joy, love and gratitude.

There are alot more benefits to yoga but these are the main ones that have had a great impact on my life in the last few years.

Let me know in the comments below if you have a regular yoga practice and if you don’t how can you make a start today?

With love,

Tania x


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