Quick and Easy Pizza

I finally tried the chickpea flour pizza and it turned out amazing so I’m sharing it here!

It was so quick and easy, great for those times you’re needing to get a meal on the plate asap!


Pizza base:

1 cup chickpea flour

⅔ cup water

Pinch himalyan sea salt

1 tsp oregano


½ jar passata

1 onion, sliced

2 cloves garlic, finely diced

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp date syrup or maple syrup



Red capsicum

Basil leaves

Rocket (optional but recommended)

Olives (optional)


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees celsius.

Add to a mixing bowl your pizza base ingredients and stir. Make sure you get rid of any lumps until a smooth batter has formed.

Heat a medium non stick pan and add the batter to the pan.

Cook for a minute or two before flipping to the other side.

While your cooking the base, start making the sauce by sweating the onions with date syrup until caramalised.

Add garlic for a minute before adding your passata and oregano.

Cook for a few minutes before switching off the heat and setting aside until your pizza bases are ready.

Once the pizza bases are ready, place on a pizza tray, add sauce on top, along with the toppings (leave out the leafy greens until pizza has finished cooking) and place in the oven for 15 minutes or until veggies are softened.

Remove from oven, place carefully on a chopping board and cut into slices.

Place your leafy greens on top and serve!

*serves 1 pizza.


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